Spotlite On Compliance

We deliver compliance services on any device, anywhere.

No setup fees, no IT change. Just click and go.


Save money. Stay compliant.

We use digital technology to turn necessity into competitive advantage and get things right first time.

We deliver a significant reduction in costs, improved evidence of compliance and a positive transformation in the way you deal with your staff and customers.

From as little as £2 per applicant, we have a set of easy start Service Packs available off the shelf to suit your compliance need and budget

Spotlite’s apps, digital ID and CRM allow you to exercise persoanlised experiences for your customers and staff while at the same time maintaining consistency of process and control of costs.
Comprehensive Management Information comes as standard. You have full oversight and understanding of the risks and issues across your business. Ready to go day one.
Privacy, security and GDPR compliance are bult in. We have worked with the ICO as part of their Sandbox initiative to ensure Data Protection by design.
Subscriptions available for pay-as-you-go through to enterprise wide multi-jurisdictional support. We also provide options for white label, private cloud and internal infrastructure deployments.

What people say

The outcome: reduced administrative cost, evidence of improved compliance and an impressive digital experience for your prospective candidates

How it works

Start today with pay-as-you-go options

Free trial for your first two applicants

UK Right to Work and Pre-Employment Screening starts from as little as £2 per applicant

You can download documents and certificates into your own HR system as needed

Full traceability across departments, teams and individual users

Links to external data sources to check EU Settlement Scheme and DVLA Share Codes, Proof of Address, Financial Probity, Social Media Abuse, Adverse Media, Fraud and Sanctions
Generation of your own company’s Digital ID for access control and worker identification with clients
In the time its taken you to read this…
you could have evidenced your candidates right to work!

Reduce risk

Our Services are grouped into Service Packs aimed to reduce risk and evidence regulatory compliance

Standard Pre-employment Screening Services:

Right to Work e-Passport Check: Anti-impersonation & Face-Match with evidence that the passport is genuine – we use the phone to check the chip inside the passport. (In-person/Remote Digital/Aided Self-Service)
Right to Work with Passport, Drivers Licence & other documents This records and checks any government List A and List B documents, plus data & ID fraud risk checks as evidence for Statutory Excuse. (In-person/Remote Digital/Aided Self-Service)
Right to Work Check and DBS level ID checks: Combines the above but to GPG45 High level of confidence including data, history and ID fraud risk checks. (In-person/Remote Digital/Aided Self-Service).

To get a quote to start using Spotlite immediately, register here.

Working with Young People and Vulnerable Adults Services:

This Service Pack offers the same level of checks as our standard Pre-Employment Service Pack with the addition of Standard and Enhanced DBS Checks depending on Role.

To get more details, please click here.

Financial Probity Services:

This Service Pack offers the same level of confidence check options as our Pre-Employment Service Packs with the additions of criminal records checks with DBS and Financial Credit checks with our bureau partners.
To get more details, please click here.

Consented exchange at the point of need.

Consented exchange at the point of need.

Safe, simple, secure


To give extra comfort to your customers and applicants. and ensure on-going consented data exchange under the individual’s control, purchase the RealMeID add on. (coming soon)

This allows your customers to use Spotlite for the secure transfer of documents and with full GDPR transparency to the Applicant. It also allows your Applicants and Agents verify they are who they say they are and reduce compliance and administration costs throughout your community.

How it works

We provide a RealMeID to each of your Applicants and Agents. This sits as a Digital Card within their Apple or Google Wallet. They view and maintain their details though the Applicant portal and can withdraw their consent at any time in line with GDPR. You retain access to the data you need for legal purposes

You register your customer and their staff within your Client Portal. You send them an invite, and they download the Spotlite RealYou Service Pack. This gives them access to the data they need when they need it under your control

Data can now transfer between all parties in the community safely, securely and under each individual’s control. The RealMeID verifies identity for face to face meetings. You can add your own branded Digital IDs if you wish

You get a record in your CRM every time their RealMeID is scanned – both checking in and checking out of the assignment in question. Each party sees their aspect of the transaction as they need and when they want via their respective portals

To get more details about the RealMeID add-on, please click here.

Get in contact / request a demo

Do feel free to contact us or just send in your queries by using the form
and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

Manchester Digital Innovation and Security Hub,
Heron House, 47 Lloyd St,
Manchester, M2 5LE

CDD Services - Spotlite
The Future of Due Diligence checking To fit your needs